Sunday, March 27, 2011

Seche Vite vs. Sally Hansen Top Coat

I've constantly been on the hunt for the best top coat for my nails. I have been using the Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat for awhile now. It does make your nails dry very fast, but it has a lot of issues and it's not really up to my expectations. I know many people have said great things about it, but it's just not working for me. The first few times I used it I was in love with it, and then I began to notice a few things.

First, after a few days, my entire nail (not my literal nail, but the whole nail polish part) would just peel right off. Second, over time it became thick and goopy in the bottle and difficult to apply. Finally, when I would apply it, it would sort of shrink back and not cover my whole nail, which I think had to do with the thick texture.

I had heard positive things about the Sally Hansen top coats, so I gave the Sally Hansen Mega Shine Top Coat a try. The texture is a lot more runny, which I prefer, and it made my nails shinier. It was also much easier to apply than Seche Vite. Make sure to apply a thin layer because otherwise little bubbles form on your nails. Out of the two, I prefer the Sally Hansen because of its easy application, but I'm still looking for the perfect top coat.

Thoughts? What is your favorite top coat?